5 Essential Tips for Organic Instagram Growth

If you’re looking for tips on growing your Instagram following organically, there is no shortage of information out there. A simple online search for “Tips for Organic Instagram Growth” yields over 24 million results, and thousands of Instagram personalities use that very platform to sell their growth programs to unsuspecting marketers. 

Driving organic growth (non-paid growth) is something that every ministry should be thinking about. The team at MII has scoured the internet and is here to present our top five tips for how to drive organic growth through your ministry’s Instagram account. For the team looking for a quick roadmap to growth, this is a great place to start.

Use Good Photos 

Instagram is a visual platform, so your photos must be on point. Yes, you can use a website to find stock photos, but taking your own original photos is always a best practice. Select your images with care, ensuring they are clear, compelling, and bright. Clear images are sharp and easily recognizable. When incorporating text, make sure it complements the image. Remember, Instagram is primarily for sharing photos, not graphics. Compelling photos are interesting and likely to make users stop scrolling. Bright images shine and grab attention. Your photo should enhance the story conveyed in your caption.

Write Great Captions 

Don't underestimate the power of a well-crafted caption. Give just as much attention to your captions as you do to your photos. Use captions to deliver short Bible devotions, or a helpful message to encourage people to progress in their spiritual walk. Keep your captions short, authentic, and practical. Your words should resonate with your audience and provide value.

Post Consistently 

Timing is crucial on Instagram. Choose a time to post every day. For some, mornings may be best (even though it's statistically not the best time). Why? Because consistency matters. Your community knows that when they wake up, there's fresh content waiting for them. Plus, this regular posting schedule positively influences the Instagram algorithm, especially for those who regularly interact with your content. So, find a posting time (or times) that work for you and stick to it.

Use Multiple Hashtags Strategically 

Hashtags are your friends on Instagram. Statistics show that they increase interaction, so why not leverage them? Create and refine a list of relevant hashtags to use on every post. Don't clutter your caption with hashtags. Instead, list them in the first comment that your team can make following the publication of the post. You’ll reap the benefits of hashtags without cluttering your feed.

Have Conversations 

This is the whole point of digital ministry - to engage with our audience. Instead of just focusing on building followers, build a community. Using questions in your caption can encourage a conversation in the comments or direct messages. When your audience engages, take the time to respond, answer questions, express gratitude, offer encouragement, and get to know them. It doesn't cost anything but your time, and it's the essence of social media.

To Sum It Up

Building a thriving Instagram community doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. By consistently posting quality content, crafting engaging captions, strategically using hashtags, and fostering genuine conversations, you can organically grow your Instagram presence. Your Instagram account can become a regular gathering place for your community of followers and lead to fruitful conversations and a deeper spiritual journey for those you are trying to reach.


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