Thought Leadership Blog

Buster Clark Buster Clark

Why You Should Build An Email List For Your Audience

Building an email list offers unparalleled control, consistency, and engagement with your audience. Unlike social media platforms, where we depend on external algorithms and policies, an email list allows you to maintain direct and personalized communication with your community.

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Buster Clark Buster Clark

Is Digital Overload Creating a Desire to Connect?

As people become more dependent on digital communication, the quality of their interactions often diminishes, leaving them craving the depth and authenticity that only in-person connections can provide.

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Buster Clark Buster Clark

How to Analyze Your Social Media Audience

Directing your digital ministry team to analyze your social media page audience effectively involves several key steps to ensure you're reaching the "right" people. Here’s a detailed guide based on various insights and best practices.

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Buster Clark Buster Clark

Your Comprehensive Guide for Launching New Facebook Pages

Ministries have a unique opportunity to reach and engage with individuals seeking spiritual guidance and community online. We all know this to be true, but often ministry teams will jump into new campaigns without thinking critically, and carefully about how to position a new effort for maximum ministry impact.

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Buster Clark Buster Clark

Lausanne State of the Great Commission Report

Last week the Lausanne Movement published the “State of the Great Commission” report. The State of the Great Commission report by the Lausanne Movement is a comprehensive document prepared with insights from over 150 global mission experts.

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Buster Clark Buster Clark

Why Facebook Video Ads are so Powerful

Today, we're talking about every marketer's most feared and most favorited - Facebook ads. We'll discuss the benefits of using video in your Facebook ads, show you the results of a video advertising experiment, and decode Facebook ad objectives.

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Buster Clark Buster Clark

How to Refresh Your Outreach Strategy This Spring: Lessons from MII

Spring is the perfect time to revitalize our outreach efforts. The new season brings new opportunities to connect and engage with seekers in innovative ways. At MII, we're always looking for methods to enhance our outreach strategies, and we’d love to share some insights that have been particularly effective.

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Buster Clark Buster Clark

The Importance of Continuous Improvement

For our team at MII, the recent journey of refining our customer journey stands as a testament to the power of agile problem-solving and the profound impact it can have on gospel outreach.

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Buster Clark Buster Clark

Key Insights from the 2024 State of Marketing Report

Building effectiveness in digital marketing is an exercise in learning. 2024 is already proving to be a pivotal year for innovation, efficiency, and a more human-centric approach to marketing strategies, and keeping pace with this change is more important than ever.

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Buster Clark Buster Clark

Elevating Our A/B Testing Game

This week we’re pulling back the curtain and sharing some insights from a recent MII digital ministry team discussion regarding A/B testing.

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Buster Clark Buster Clark

How to Lead Your Follow-Up Team

The goal is not to reply to every message in the shortest amount of time as possible - the goal is to see lives changed and transformed by a relationship with our Lord. How can leaders help their teams break out of the mindset that follow up messages are a task to be managed, and keep responding to questions and critiques with the understanding that someone on the other side of the conversation is exploring potentially life changing questions about faith and God?

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