3.4 Billion Reasons Mobile-First Still Matters

Is your Ministry fully taking advantage of the Mobile Revolution?

By the end of 2023, there will be 3.4 billion people worldwide accessing the Internet via their phones or tablets. That’s a massive chunk of the population, meaning ministries must think mobile-first when designing websites and digital content. Chances are the first look that a user gets of your ministry website or landing page will be on a mobile device!

Statistics show that mobile users are highly engaged and spend more time on websites than desktop users, yet they often struggle navigating poorly designed websites. Additionally, Google considers the “mobile-first” mindset when ranking websites in its search engine results pages (SERPs). Because of Google’s mobile emphasis, any site created with a mobile-first mentality is more likely to be seen and visited by users.

It doesn’t matter if your ministry specializes in online courses, videos, podcasts, or other types of content; having a mobile-first mentality can make a huge difference in how successful your ministry’s digital content is. Not only will it be more accessible, but it will also be more engaging and attractive to potential customers.

To help ministries get started on their mobile-first approach, here are four practical steps they should take:

1) Keep the design simple and uncluttered – Requiring users to navigate through multiple pages to find what they’re looking for can overwhelm the user experience, so focus on keeping it minimal and straightforward. A clear and compelling call to action, visible from the landing page, is a best practice your team should always employ. 

2) Test the mobile version of your website or content before you launch – Catch any potential issues with functionality or design before they become a problem. Require that your team present the mobile experience before approving any new content launch.

3) Make sure your website is optimized for speed – Most people expect pages and content to load quickly, so make sure you’re taking the necessary steps to ensure your website is running as fast as possible. Images should be optimized for mobile browsers. If your site is slow to load on mobile, your images are likely the problem. 

4) Utilize tools to review the mobile experience – Google Analytics and Google Search Console are great tools for understanding how your site performs on mobile devices. Check your performance regularly to provide the best experience for your users. 

Overall, having a mobile-first mentality when designing websites or digital content is essential in these modern times. Not only will it provide your users with the best possible experience, designing for mobile first will help you reach more people and drive engagement with your ministry’s content.


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