Thought Leadership Blog

Media Impact International Media Impact International

What Do We Do With Threads?

Nobody was looking or asking for another social media platform to manage, but the introduction of Threads is prompting an important question…

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Media Impact International Media Impact International

Consistency in Brand Messaging 

MII’s pointers to prevent losing your audience’s attention and deepening connection with those you are reaching.

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Media Impact International Media Impact International

What is a Marketing Funnel Anyway?

If you don’t know what that means, you’re likely not alone. The funnel is a helpful tool for understanding your audience and how they make decisions.

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Media Impact International Media Impact International

Keeping Your Team Safe Online

Cyber threats are a constant battle. Follow these simple steps to protect your organization against bad actors.

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Media Impact International Media Impact International

Thinking like a seeker

When you put the customer first, you'll create marketing campaigns that are more effective and more likely to resonate with your target audience.

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Media Impact International Media Impact International

The Importance of Personalization

The digital world is noisy. Personalized content can drive connections and engagement with the people whom you are trying to reach.

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Media Impact International Media Impact International

User Engagement on Social Media

Social Media is a two way conversation, not a broadcast. Quit interrupting people with your message. Instead, engage them.

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Media Impact International Media Impact International

Cultivating Curiosity: 2 Simple Steps to Creating a Seeker-Centric Culture

Cultivating Curiosity with your team will not happen by accident. It is your job to serve and lead your team well through staying curious yourself and asking great questions. Just like the Magi, we are called to be wise within our organizations and lead our teams into greater curiosity.

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Media Impact International Media Impact International

Your Brand Matters More Than You Think It Does

If Jesus were starting his ministry today, would he have a brand, or engage in social media branding? We want to engage our audience, but often give little thought to branding the experience. It may be time to rethink that approach.

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Media Impact International Media Impact International

The 4 Pillars of Engagement

If we’re only looking at metrics and how to maximize engagement, we’re missing the point. Social media ministry is about people. Learn how to improve engagement without losing sight of the main thing.

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