Unlock the Power of Repurposed Content

Reaching your audience and spreading your ministry's message online requires your team to create fresh, consistent video content. What do we mean by “consistent?” The best brands are creating and releasing video content daily. If you’re not already doing this, starting up a video content effort can be a time-consuming and challenging process. The good news? You can make the most of your efforts by repurposing video content. In this guide, we'll explore how digital ministry teams can maximize their content strategy on social media and beyond.

As teams begin making video content, they should do so with “repurposing” in mind. Repurposing content means taking your existing video content and adapting it for various platforms and formats. This strategy can significantly enhance your reach and engagement. By repurposing, you can turn a single video into a content goldmine.

Below is the MII Guide to Repurposing Video Content:

Short Clips: 
On platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, attention spans are short. Extracting powerful 15-second snippets from your video can capture your audience's attention and leave them wanting more. For instance, if your video discusses a heartwarming testimonial, share a brief excerpt that tugs at the heartstrings.

Transcripts & Blog Posts: 
Transcribe your video content into written form. This not only makes it accessible to a wider audience, including those who prefer reading, but also boosts your website's SEO. You can then take key points from the transcript to create informative blog posts. For example, if your video explores a biblical teaching, turn it into a detailed blog post with scripture references. This is a great opportunity to use AI. 

Create eye-catching infographics summarizing essential points from your video. Visual content tends to perform well on platforms like Pinterest and LinkedIn. If your video discusses statistics on a social issue, turn those numbers into a compelling infographic that conveys your message at a glance.

Podcast Episodes:
Transform your video's audio into engaging podcast content. This allows your audience to consume your message on the go. If your video features a guest speaker or an inspiring sermon, repurpose it into a podcast episode, making it accessible to a broader audience.

Teasers & Trailers: 
Generate anticipation for your full video by creating short teaser videos or trailers. Highlight intriguing snippets from the video and share them on social media with a call-to-action to watch the full content. Think of it as a movie trailer that leaves your audience eager for the main feature.

Connect with your audience on a personal level by sharing behind-the-scenes footage from the making of your video. This provides insight into your ministry's work and the dedicated team behind it. Whether it's the preparation process or bloopers during recording, these glimpses humanize your ministry.

Q&A Sessions: 
Host live Q&A sessions on social media, using your video as a discussion starter. Engage with your audience, answer questions, and provide deeper insights into the topics covered in the video. This fosters interaction and strengthens your digital community.

Slide Presentations: 
Repurpose your video content into slide presentations suitable for platforms like SlideShare and LinkedIn. For example, if your video delves into a theological topic, create a visually appealing presentation with key points and scripture references to share with a professional audience.

Case Studies: 
Showcase the impact of your ministry through video content. If your video features real-life stories of transformation, repurpose it into a case study. Provide before-and-after narratives, testimonials, and concrete examples of how your ministry has made a difference.

Webinar Highlights: 
If your video contains educational content, use it to promote upcoming webinars or workshops. Create shorter highlights that touch on the most compelling aspects of the video and encourage your audience to register for the deeper dive.

Social Media Polls & Surveys: 
Engage your audience through interactive content. After sharing video snippets, pose questions or conduct surveys related to the discussed topics. This not only encourages participation but also helps you better understand your congregation's needs and preferences.

Each repurposing method offers unique benefits. Short clips capture attention instantly, transcripts and blog posts enhance accessibility and SEO, infographics convey information visually, and podcasts provide on-the-go access. Teasers build anticipation, behind-the-scenes content humanizes your ministry, and Q&A sessions foster engagement. Slide presentations are suitable for professionals, case studies showcase impact, webinar highlights promote in-depth learning, and interactive polls deepen connection.

We hope this is a helpful guide and gives you some solid ideas on how to get started creating great video content, and making that investment stretch as far as possible for you and your team. 


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