What Worked Today May Not Work Tomorrow

Algorithms adapt. Rules change. In the world of social media, the only constant is change. To be successful, we must remain flexible. This may seem counter-cultural to our ministries. Oftentimes, ministries operate in a set-it-and-forget-it mentality. Build the system and let the system run. Unfortunately, social media never stands still, and we cannot either. 

Digital tools used for the Gospel have proven immensely powerful; but more and more, there are new tools to add and new things to build. This is why the measurement of our outcomes is so important! Are our efforts actually making His Kingdom bigger and better?

Flexibility and change are often difficult in ministry space. We must ensure that our toolbox is up-to-date and that we are building things that work. In 2023, we must innovate. But how?

  1. Dedicate a percentage of your time to research and development. There are great online and consulting resources. Here are a few safe bets:

    1. FaithTech continues to do some great work celebrating, and advising, ministries that are moving forward technologically. Check out https://faithtech.com/trends/ for their view on many of the Missional Technological trends they’re facing.

    2. Get exposed to some new techniques: Kavanah Media releases many of their trainings as online courses. Learn social media techniques, or discovery how to master Google Tags, over at https://kavanahmedia.com/courses.

    3. Having problems and you don’t know how to fix it? Ask Google your question? It’s amazing how many resources are out there that are available at the tip of a finger. 

  2. Keep the end in mind! Why are we doing what we do? Analyze your lower-funnel metrics to track, and celebrate lives being rescued and changed by the power of the Gospel.

  3. In digital marketing, failing is part of the process. Sometimes, we need to cast the net on the other side of the boat. Digital offers rapid change, so see failure as part of today leading to success tomorrow.

Change is not a bad thing but is a prerequisite for someone passionate about the goal of  connecting people to Jesus Christ.


Building Trust in Digital Ministry


The Holy Spirit & Direct Messaging