President's Update - Fall 2019
No matter where we are in the world, every single person has the opportunity to see the sun set at the end of their day.
Yet, the perspective of what each person sees is always different. Some may see a wash of colors lighting up a vibrant sky, while others may only catch a glimpse of light peaking out behind beckoning storm clouds. Perspective is everything.
Matthew 4:16 says, "the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned."
MII is bringing the gospel of Jesus, the Light of the World, to the people in the 10-40 window. That is done through in the following ways:
Equipping local indigenous ministry leaders to be more effective with digital media.
Leveraging standard social media and lead generation practices for Gospel purposes.
Reaching into previously unreachable places through social and digital media.
The delicate dance in this endeavor is that all people come to the Gospel with a different perspective. Still, we strive to make sure that all have the same opportunity to see the light of Jesus.
To date, MII has been honored to work with ministry leaders in 43 countries in the 10-40 Window. MII is currently implementing a 3-year initiative in India that is already yielding a great harvest!
We are thankful for how God is blessing our team and ministry partners. Would you join us in asking God for His continued blessing in the year to come? Thank you!
-David Benware, Founder
Media Impact International